Find Similar Movies

EDIT: This project is no longer being maintained as RottemTomatoes have updated their API access to a paid model.

So after watching a really good movie, have you ever wanted to find similar movies?

Sure, there’s services out there like NetFlix™ or IMDB™ which can help you with this. However, these services haven’t exposed their APIs so use is limited to being within their website or App.

This project started off as a way to establish a simple way to look for similar movies.

RottenTomatoes™, a widely known film review aggregator, does have a public API. This API is utilized in this Android App. No movie-matching calculation is done in the App itself, the RottenTomatoes™ API is used to fetch all data. An API call is made to RottenTomatoes™ with the entered movie & a list of movies similar to this selection is displayed as a list on screen.

Known Limitations:

  • As this is a public API, there are rate limits. Rates at the time of publishing are limited to 5 API calls per second and 10,000 calls per day.

  • Newer movies may not yield any results, this is dependent on RottenTomatoes™ updating their databases.

This is an open source project browsable on GitHub ( Feel free to e-mail me with feature requests, bug reports or any general suggestions.

You can try this App out on the Google Play Store.

Android app on Google Play

Written on February 28, 2015